Today woke up to see a pleasant view cold breeze, light showers, birds drenched in water singing in the balcony. Its been raining throughout last night.
After bearing heat for so long time finally its time to take sigh of relief. Relief from heat, sweat, dehydration, power cuts. It feels as if God is showering his Grace upon us. Can understand why peacocks dance & koel sings while its raining. Its time to get refreshed. Get drenched fully not only body but up to soul.

God is a magician! Having in store such beautiful seasons for us to enjoy.
But do we realise this & take time out to enjoy his magic? May be not because of the crazy rat race that we are trapped in.

Take out time, just stop for a minute on the road, in the balcony, open doors & windows.
See the rain;
Listen to the sound of rain drops falling, birds singing;
Smell the fragrance of earth;
Feel the drops falling on your face;
Feel the touch of God...
Just did it, its overwhelming!

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