Why why did I ever come across a YT video on Jane Austen men? (Sigh) I do not intend to review any of her works. But ever noticed how most of the men in her books are Edwards? And damn girl, are they hot....And have you noticed how insolent and indifferent they appear at first but always have the tenderest of hearts and noblest of intentions? "Just like a coconut!!", screeches my mallu heart. I wonder whether such men actually exist in today's world. If they do, I bet females like me won't even appear in their radar screens.
I like my invisibility though. Lets me see people, sometimes for what they truly are. Sometimes I search, I look for at least one gentleman-ly quality in some guy. But how can you gauge a guy in 5 minutes? How can you trust your senses that WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get)?!!!
It's just so sad. I wish quite often that, after removing the rose tinted glasses full of Jane Austen's men, I could see and get to know my own Edward some day, in some life time.

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