While talking to people i have observed they tend to judge others very quickly. They like to give a tag to everything & every person. Either good or bad, right or wrong, hot or not but i just wonder whats the basis of these judgements? How can we put a tag on something/someone when everything around us is changing?

I feel there is a huge craving in all to be certain about things or people around although we are not sure if all is going to be same in the next moment. I find it to be very bounding, rather i would like to be free & take things or people as they are. Its fun to observe the variations around yet having lots in common because deep down inside we are all the same. Same things give us pleasure, same things makes us all sad. So whats there to judge?

Is it to show off our superiority over other???
Hard question but need a thought...

I hope that people can acknowledge this fact, relax a bit & just smile. So that we can enjoy the similarity hidden in dissimilarity.

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