I want to know why we babus are so kanjoos? We are 1500 in number. But when it comes to giving someone his due, then as if by magic, we dwindle in number, to just a select few.
We're so very kanjoos.

I've seen write ups, not mine please, so lovely, painstakingly, lovingly crafted..but just two people polling on it. I mean, so many just read and walk away. For fear they'd soon be deprived of their own ranks?
Hey, can we just leave this ranking business aside and just relax..and enjoy one anothers' posts!

The least one can do is to give at least a 'thank you' as comment. Am I wrong?

Sometimes writers are like street performers, monkey on leash included..maybe a pun, maybe not..but we perform from morning till night..some walk away smirking, "Theek hai. Mai isse bhi accha kar sakta hoon."
To phir karke dikha na?

We Indians are like this only. We find it difficult to smile easy, to appreciate someone easily. Courtesy and manners are real tough on us.

Hope we can appreciate the effort folk put in to write..give them a smile..at least a hmmm.
It 'll be worth their effort.

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