its my favorite festival in the whole wide world!! more than diwali or holi or even ganesh chaturthi!!
all those kites.. big and small.. all shapes and sizes.. and the colors???
nothing thrills me more than hearing the shout of 'kai-poooo-cheeee'
i remember as a kid waking up to those shouts.. getting dressed as soon as i could.. picking up my kits and the 'manja' and running up to the terrace..
it was the best days of my youth.. the thrill of cutting someones kite.. the satisfaction of flying a kite that you just caught, running after a cut kite even though you have atleast a hundred others??
it was a simple joy.. nothing to taint it.. just kids having fun.
sitting up the previous nights trying the 'kannas' so that you dont have to waste time the following day.. waiting for the wind to pick up.. standing with the kite in hand for the slightest of breeze to start flying..
the whole family coming together to enjoy.. the music playing from speakers around.. the til ladoos!!
flying and yelling your heart out till sunset.. and sometimes even after..
i have missed those days.. as work keeps me busy and i havent enjoyed the last 3 sankrants!! but i will take up a kite to a ps3 anyday!
i would love for my kids to go through the same simple pleasures that i did.. but it looks like kites may not last till then. even today.. its just a fraction of what it used to be when i was a kid..
but i'll definitely teach my kid to fly a kite.. just like my dad did.. :)

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