The pigeon came again this morning, in the balcony of my house, titling it's head as if dancing to the talas of Bharatanatyam. They have always fascinated me, their beautifully coloured neck, with a shade of green among the all-dark grey.
And their orange eyes- seems like God had got ample of time to colour it. World is so full of beauty, but unfortunately we seldom realize it...

"Guturgu.. Guturgu" It kept on singing, it's neck looking down, in the balcony of the second floor, when her friend came to sit beside her. And then started the beautiful conversation, which were unknown to me, or perhaps to all human beings. Unknown to the world, yet they both could convey what they wanted to. It was so amazing.
They walked along the roof of the neighbours house, the first one continuously staring at the balcony, flying over there, coming back. With hopeless moist eyes, maybe, I couldn't make it all out from such a distance.. Do pigeons cry? I didn't know. Do they have feelings?
It's not that since we humans have the ability to speak, it's only us who have feelings, just because we have the power to convey.

I watched them in awe, talking continuously, the pigeon flying back and forth, coming back to the roof, and then goin gto the balcony below again.

Our whole neighbourhood would seem so lively with the "Guturgoo's" of all the flock of birds. Yet there was an unusual silence since the past few days. No more voices of the hurrying restless birds could be heard anymore, no more eggs were laid, no more balcony filled with green-white poops of them.
I remembered. Few days back, the cat had climbed on the balcony, and ate away all the eggs a mother had laid there. And since the next day, all the pigeons were silent, gathering at a place, yet silent, without any nuisance being created by them. Perhaps, it was a celebration of mourning, over the death of the unborn, and one just born, who knew not how to fly and protect herself still.
The pigeon looked again.
Yes, it was the mother, most probably, looking continuously at the balcony still searching for her babies. She knew they were no more, but a mother's mind can hardly accept the truth so easily.
I watched her flying again, crying, hoping desparately to find the dead children, who still were alive, in her heart!

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