Exam from 2pm to 5pm? oh no, it's my afternoon sleep time. But it was the last exam, so I was a bit cheerful (and sad too)and geared up to go to college despite the scorching heat. Really, shame on us girls. The sun is becoming hotter than us these days. It seems like the vengeance he vowed. Then i dragged myself unwillingly from parking lot to the exam hall.Sitting in the massive civil courtyard were my friends with notes in their hands. But there was less of studying and more of chit chatting.

The clock was ticking. It was only a few more moments for the question paper to be handed to us. everyone was discussing how boring the subject is and simultaneously happy that exam was getting over.

Warning bell rang. we closed the books and hurried to keep our bags away and finally settled down.. There was pin drop silence (probably the only time when lecturers get to witness absolute silence!)

Hands moved faster and the plain white papers were being inked with our meaningless answers (sarcasm intended). A few minutes later, we could feel the cool breeze and the banging of the windows. then there was thunder and lightning and it started pouring heavily. The pin drop silence, the smell of soil, the pouring rain, the beautiful view of water falling into the courtyard from the sloping roof but alas! the exam hall.. How I wish I could put the pen down and start dancing right away. But the only option I had was to write! and nevertheless, it was one of the most memorable exams! Gonna miss these moments, Gonna miss BVB :(

Tags: Exam hall

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