She was as pale as a late winter's moon,standing alone at the bus stop at the middle of the night. He was not there to console her or to make comfort to her. He was gone to fullfil his dreams, that dreams which could never have been possible without her. But alas! He forgot all her sacrifice.He forgot what she has done for him .He forgot what the girl has done , he forgot the day whn the girl hold his hand at the middle of the road to make him feel comfortable.He forgot all the promises he has made to her, the promises they made standing here at this bus stop , where she is standing alone now...Promises are made to be broken said he , the last time girl asked him about the promises he made to her.He has gone noe to fulfill his dreams, his dreams, his only dreams, where there is no shadow of the girl.But what about the girl, what about the girl's dreams, the dreams where she wants him to be there whenver she wants, the dreams where she want her boy to be near him all the time she needs , the dreams where the girl and the boy is together happy....He even dont know that his dreams cant be fulfill without her, without her existence, without her company he is nothing than just a ordinary boy...She made him to dream, she made him to dream big and now his dreams are big enough so much that the girl is not fitting there, that the girl is out of that dreams and now standing alone at the bus stop....

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