As my world crumbled around me, I found myself yearning for the warm embrace of sleep. Barred to me was the comforting torment of dreams; that house of cards, that realm of illusions, which tempted me with its extravagant promises. I was meant for the deep dark oblivion, down which I poured my shame, my guilt, my greed and my grief. The brief stabs of elation and the pangs of short-lived joys weren't spared either. Down it, I poured my ego and my identity, till I was one with the void, darker than black.

In that vast limbo, I built the solitary palace of my existence, and abandoned it, never to return. And thus, I arose, out of my nocturnal grave, a wraith of my former self. Devoid of emotions, mask firmly in place, I walked the earth of my life once more. I had forsaken joy to be rid of misery. I had sacrificed the mercy of dreams to be able to shape my reality. I was less than human, but more than I had ever been in life. By reducing myself to nothingness, I became everything that I wanted to be.

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