Lets make Love tonight
Like how we did on the silvery moonlit night

Wrap your arms & hold me close
Kiss me until I curl my toes
Kiss my neck & peck my nose
The hunger for you much grows

Hold me long, feel me in your arms
Love me, with all your charms
Come to me, I wanna feel your soul
Surrender me your whole

Let me feel & kiss your muscular chest
Lets make love with zest
Lets make slowly, there's no haste
Whisper those three words, holding my face

My body shivers at your every touch
Wanting you very much
Lets make it slowly, lasting all night
Lets make love until day light

Let me smell your smell
Listen to your every beat, where I dwell
Let me taste your sweet sweat
Much to love, we haven't done yet

Come to me near, much more near
I want to feel you & your soul dear
Let our bodies become one, let them merge
I want you much more, I urge

Feel me all night & cuddle with me
Give me a gentle touch & fondle
Make me yours , Make me complete
My divine, let me feel you in my every beat!

Squeeze me in your arms, hold me tight
Lets make love like there's no other Night
Promise me, you will stay with me forever
Answer me, this is my only Prayer

Lets make love tonight
Passionate Love in a candle light!

Tags: Love, Love

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