Date:- 26th May 2015
Subject :- Thanking Internet.

Dear Internet,
I have found so much. It seems when something I thought worth living in real life. I thought that the Internet can be nothing and there would be no feelings. How wrong I was. It all started with the most banal Hi. We met by chance, I just saw your picture and thought you were very pretty and beautiful and so, day after day, we gradually got to know each other. Every day I became more dependent on you. I came and hoped that you are online and that i could poke you. After a couple of months it seemed like you have become a family to me. Dearer than the most devoted friends. I didn't know how did you do it?

Perhaps, we are not alone. There are also millions of couples who met on the Internet! And thanks to him, they found each other. And this Facebook it doesn't show feeling and pain and hence it is a complete mess. This is nonsense! because to understand it, you should experience this in real life.

All in all, internet is just an imagination and to my regret, the imagination does not know how to solve a serious problem but only helps to get away from it all over again.

Yours sincere user who is writing to you through you.

Tags: Fantasy

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