Life is a collection of many things...strange events,coincidences...miracles.!
sometimes one cannot understand it...If one would have to define it in one sentence...
what would it be???
I guess... 'Life is a Garden'...
Life is really a garden...with my family.I can't wish for more than this...!
My father's in the habit of pampering me.he knows me very well.he knows how to handle me...had he not known how to do this,he may not have been able to control me so well... CONTROL?
perhaps 'control' is the wrong word for it.May be the expression,-"To keep one in the palm of one's hand" might be better...
He's changed my way of thinking.Some times ago I used to blame God for all my problems...I had a whole list of complaints I would put up in front of Him.
I will always regret that I misjudged God's intentions...that I was wrong in understanding His strength and His wisdom.I always felt that God didn't love me; although God loves all of us.He gives us many blessings; yet tests as us well.I don't know why we never understand this early on in life.But now I realize -'...what happen,happen for a reason and what doesn't happen is also for a reason...'
No matter how hard I try to thank Him.I don't think I can ever thank Him enough.
My life hasn't finished as yet.The only difference is that my diary doesn't have any more complaints with regards to God and His injustices...I've also learnt a few things in life, one is to accept that which He gives me... and the other is to stop searching for that which is unattainable... :)
So I would like to suggest you all...that live your life,love your life and love the ones who loves u so much... :)

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