Like bishops,knights,queen and the king with a sword...
Characters of life walking on a black and white board..
Some like erasers erasing the bad habits hard to fade..
Some like pencils drawing new ones with even badder shade..
People walk crazy and rich just to fight with no mind..
Who cares about the motive,im here to fight,im blind..
Some are like glue,glued like a smile on a face...
And some like scissors cutting it without leaving a trace..
Are we like the chess pieces living life bounded by moves..
Or the only sixteen characters with all left to prove..
People infest to get rid of the failure,To gain ultimate sucess..
With moves for the future..Life- A game of chess...
Are we like the bishop,we are just born to preach...
Not affected by the situations,We can only teach..
Or the queen in political system,who lives only for the king..
She will support the corruption,for money the king will bring..
The knights protecting the country and raising the shield..
Fighting squares 8 times 8 on the battlefield..
Some are like the king,always triumphant never fleeting..
Riding on the scams,their pockets are never depleting...
You know what we are?the crucial piece of all..
One voice,one mind,one love,one call..
We are the pawns,we are the majority,but act like a tissue..
We dont find the solution,But we certainly admire the issue..
People infest to get rid of the failure,To gain ultimate sucess..
With moves for the future..Life- A game of chess...

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