think of life.. what is the one thing that everyone has in common.
money?? fun?? happiness??
what people have in common are other people.
everyone in this world knows atleast one other person.
man is a social animal you say, and you're right.
but why do we need other people., we could live a life of isolation as many have chosen and lived through.
but we choose other people. the selfish, self centered, mean, happy, gay, funny, loving, hating, spectacles of humanity that we call people.
i think we choose people because we want someone to know about us. someone who acknowledges our life.. our achievements.. our failures.. our attempts at grandiose and the shuffling steps of defeat.
we want someone to know that we exist. even if we dont do a single, pitiful thing in our life worth mentioning, we still want someone to know we lived.
we lived and we hurt and we won and we lost and we had that moment of pure happiness that makes it all worth it.
we want someone to say 'i know this guy!'
if we live a great life which noone knows.. whats the bloody point!
we live a lame live which noone know.. whats the bloody point.
for good or for bad.. we need people.. they are our stories.. we are their stories..
i loved this thing i heard recently,'we believe in God, coz its the better story'
live a life worth a story... make it outrageous.. make it sweet or bitter.. make it as unbelievable as possible.. they're generally the better stories.. the ones people love and retell.
make your story count.

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