A gloomy truth, the nature's ruth;
A weary toil, monotonous joy;
filled with crime, assaults and bribes;
or Doom, bound, restriction from freedom?
Or the song of joy, so sweet is the voice;
Sung by that Lover, to woo her back;
Or the melody, of the cascade so near is flowing,
to each little valley, it keeps on bowing..
The colourful hues of Rainbow's edges,
Or that of the season spring that pledges,
"I won't ditch colour, won't become dull-er"
- It's as you perceive, as you receive.
As you greet the life you dwell,
composed of love, hardships and joy,
It's as ou take it - a sword or toy,
Become optimistic, live free to love,
love to live, enjoy the beauty of the crow and dove,
Or there's another choice, lying parallel,
and there's your life, surrounded by the foggy mist,
Livig like in a prison.

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