Life teaches us lessons. It gives us chances to learn from our mistakes. Here i would like to tell my experience. I'll never forget 9th July in my life....the day which made me grew more as a person.

Tears rolled down my eyes when i got a call from my dad saying that my granny is no more. Grandparents are more like parents. I can cherish every moment spent with her , the values which I've learnt from her helped me immensely. I was lost completely when i heard the news. i rushed home right away boarded an auto and i was unable to see things clearly as my eyes are filled with tears.i use that road frequently but, i didn't know where was i heading to. i was blank. i was shattered when i saw her laying on the bed peacefully. i couldn't stop weeping at the sight of her body. i cried hysterically...I can't get her back now but accept the truth. That was the very first time I've seen death so near. I realized that we can't take anything for granted. I realized the pain of loosing someone who's close to our hearts and that's irreplaceable. It happens with everyone. We may have differences with people around us but just ignoring them is not the ultimate decision but accept them as they are. I've realized the value of relationships and importance of people around me . Sometimes our strongest negative feelings are directed towards those, we love the most.
Now a days people are leading a materialistic life . we prefer gadgets rather people. Share your feelings joys and worries with your loved ones. Communicate with them rather wasting time on unwanted things and later not regret.
We don't know how tomorrow would be..Today I still regret that I would have spent more time with my granny and i realized this after loosing her. I'm no philosopher and never had any writing experience but i felt this needed which is lacking in many of us today .

Tags: Value people

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