Like a leaf in the gusting wind
I would like my life to pass
No, not strong, and firm, and unbending
I donot like the trees
I would rather flow like a river
Do I care where I am headed to?
Maybe not the journey
I know I meet the ocean
While on my way I would rather meet

Streets, and plants, and people, and thoughts
Can I talk to them?
May be it would help if you could talk to me
Am I shy or afraid to speak?
My thoughts betray me sometimes
Not that words are my best friends
But we still stay together, as a clan
Some games, and pranks, and mischiefs we do
We build sand castles that fall.
But we know what we would love to do
And, sometimes, when we do walk together,
No, not on the sands of time -- that's not my idea
On silent grass, with closed eyes,
We rather break into cheery laughs.

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