Colors, makes us think of color palette, and color palette remind us of an artist. We usually think artist are the one fond of colors, in fact we all are fond of colors. Colors are all around us, there is nothing without color. See sky it’s blue, trees are green and the flowers are red, yellow, orange pink etc. we are blessed with colors; it has been with us and will always be with us.
We have been living our life with colors but we never adapt those colors in our life. Colors are not just meant to fill the plain white paper; it can play a wonderful role in your life. Just don’t imagine color only in palette of artist, Create your own color palette for your life. You can think of being an artist. Let’s assume, you wake up with sunrise, take a bit of yellowish from sun and start your morning with cheerful smile. As the morning heads to the day, look at the sky and take a bit of blue, and move on with the day vigorously with the touch of yellow. A bit of colors surely adds smile on your face and make your day brighter. With the color of sun and sky, you have passed half of the day now is the turn to kill your tiredness, look at the trees and take a bit of green and feel the freshness, take a deep breath and smile; you will surely feel fresh and active. Nature has all the colors we love and they are pure, fresh and beautiful. We all have our favorite color, colors not only adds beauty and happiness, colors can reflect your mind, heart and of course your life. White symbolizes purity and cleanliness, yellow symbolizes joy, happiness and energy, blue symbolizes spirituality, peace and truth, green symbolizes life, nature and well being. They are many more colors and each color symbolizes something. Colors just not help us to make things beautiful and magical it helps to understand our self. Do not imagine life without color, just don’t run after black and white try and make that black and white more magical and beautiful with the touch of few colors and see how beautiful life can be. A rainbow without color is no rainbow; we smile and say wow when we see it, but the magic of the rainbow is the beautiful colors. We are enchanted by magical power of colors.
Blue skies makes your day beautiful and upgrade your happiness, white cloud gives you shade and keep you happy, yellowish sun keeps you warm and comfort, green trees helps you to live healthy and colorful flowers cheer you and put smile on your face. With all these colors, your color palette of life is complete. You don’t need to be an artist to understand colors. Since your color palette is full, now start to paint your life and make beautiful memories out of it. Your day is colored, now take those colors in your dreams, have a goodnight with the beautiful colors and wake up with the colorful smile. With the power of colors, make your dreams come. If somebody asks you how were your day, I hope you sincerely answer “A colorful day”.


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