These little children tell me a story
How this childhood is so beyond defeats and glory
Their hearts so pure without a drop of sin
They don't care about competition, any race, any target or any win.
How they live without any fear
How they cry along if they see someone's tear
How they smile even seeing a flying plane
How they dance carelessly in this pouring rain
How they learn together
and always help each other
How they make stories.
and other listen without any worries.
I look these children
and begin to think.
How life changed in just a moment of a blink
I was with them playing and laughing
and today i suddenly grow old
When i was kid i never cared any weather
and today why it's getting little cold ?
Why everything is so changed now !!
Why i can not be the way they are
I can see them living life to it's fullest
but why for me become so far ?
I want to be child again
Want to live the way they do
Even i want this cold grey sky to go away
and fly a kite in that sky blue.
They looked at me and held my hand
They made a circle, in center they made me stand.
They begin to move around
and started singing for me
to make me smile.
I felt like i became a child
just for a while.
I forget all my worries and
with them begin to sing
and i wished my holy god
He could make me stay forever in this ring.

Tags: Children

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