The night was their accomplice.

No one knows the pain of separated lovers but themselves. Dancing the social dance, making small talk, nodding absently, feigning interest, smiling at strangers – all the while stealing furtive glances at each other. They eyes met often, stayed a moment too long, and then someone would come in between. The night was pregnant with anticipation.

The bonfire spitted and spewed. It was the only respite from the shrill cold of the night. The chilly wind flowing from the river didn't help either. People stayed close to the fire, whatever was left of it. The crowd was already thinning except the most drunk ones who remained. Cheers and laughter filled up the night. Everyone was having a good time. Just two people alone in the crowd – he, circling finger around the glass he hasn't taken a sip from; she, lost in deep thought gazing at the fire. Both bidding their time.

He looked at her. She looked enchanting. Her face rested on her hands as she stared into fire. The fire flickered into her big black eyes, setting them ablaze. He could wait only so long - he winked at her.

The sand was cold as they walked barefooted to their tent - their hearts filled with desires. They did not say a word on the entire way. There wasn’t any need. The air was heavy with unspoken words.

As they entered the tent, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. It happened so suddenly she was taken by surprise. She lifted her eyes and looked into his with a question. It was answered by a lowering of lips on hers. Her eyes widened at his brazenness as she struggled to pull away. He didn’t let her. She squirmed into his arms. He persisted. She was no match for his brute animal power. She finally gave up. Her fingers digging into his arms relaxed. Her eyes drooped and in a moment of total submission she melted into his arms. Her body taking shape he molded it into. Her fingers ran through his hair, first reluctantly, then with urgency. Their tongues met and she lost count of time. The surroundings vanished; his form blurred. The world went mute. She could hear their heartbeats, interleaved. Her knees gave way and she slumped into his arms.
“You are such a slut” he whispered into her ear, mockingly. She pulled back his head, hurt apparent in her eyes.
She broke into a smile, “So are you.”

She let out a groan as he picked her up by waist and threw her on the bed. He slowly moved on top of her. There was no hurry now. She was all his. Buttons unbuttoned – tongues entwined – hands groped – nails dug - backs arched – moans escaped – eyes met – souls linked - breathing fastened - bodies moved – rhythm increased –– and all world came to a screeching halt. They stopped. Her nails dug deep into his flesh, her body arched, guiding him into newer depths. They stayed still for minutes, as if they did not want to break the spell.

Finally, he got to his feet and picked her in his arms and walked outside. He slowly let her on her feet, facing the river. He hugged her from behind, his hands folded over her stomach. Sweat glistened off their naked bodies as they stared at the reflection of moon in the water. Time stopped; only the water moved. He looked at their shadows - it was one. As she slowly turned towards him, the moon hid behind a cloud. Darkness engulfed them.

The night was their accomplice.


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