You're the first thing I think of, each morn I wake up;
And the last think before I sleep!
'Cause you are the bestest thing ever happened to me;
Only with you, I always long to be!

Your one message, makes my smile return;
And to speak with you, I always yearn!
One who always makes me smile;
Knowing you care for me makes Life worthwhile!

Waiting for the day, you hold me;
Wish this moment will come soon, I plea!
To, Sleep a thousand sleeps in your arms;
Safe & secured always calm!

You reside safe loved & forever in my heart;
What ever happens, you're never apart!
I swear, For no other will love you as much as I do;
Except your mother!

Time with you, the best to the core;
It leaves me, wanting much more!
For I can never live without you;
Just like the flowers with dew!

You are the one whom I call mine, Just mine;
In my soul, you always stay divine!

Love you! And I always do!
Love you so much Shonu! :*

Tags: Love, Love

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