Okay…so in this whole boy-loves-girl-girl-says-no-girl-dies scenario, where do we stand? Today when I picked up the newspaper in the morning (after a lecture from maa on if-u-want-to-spend-an hour-romancing-the-paper-you –need-to-get-up-early), I expected a follow up on the gutsy IAS officer as a headline or probably some election crap. But I was in for a shock when I saw this:

Was I surprised? No. did I get goose bumps? Yes. Like hell. What is the world coming down to! After such alleged crimes of passion, one is left wondering if there ever was any love! So the guy was a foreign language student at the prestigious JNU. That is where he met the girl. Both were apparently final year students. Rumored to be dating. Allow me to get a little hypothetical (okay. A lot.)
Both pass out with a bachelor in Korean;
Get a job;
Fall madly in love with each other;
Face opposition from family…but love conquers all;
Get married;
Go to Korea on vacation;
The girl loves it so much that they decide to get settled there;
They have many cute Korean kids;
Live happily. J
But. Reality is a little different.
So apparently, the girl decided to end the guy’s dreams of Korean kids. Now, whatever be the reason…she becomes the vamp. So what? Does that entitle her to such brutality? Is he licensed to kill her? He committed suicide. Had he fled, chances are: A. he would not have been caught; B. even if he was caught, the case would have been left pending for decades; C. we would have been out on the roads. Protesting (which I am sure would happen even now) to hurry his punishment.
"...She has hurt my ego...but I don't want to reveal the reasons for which my ego has been hurt...," wrote Aakash(the guy)
what kind of ego I ask. Are we obliged to take care of your massive egos? Just because she hurt his so called ‘ego’, he almost killed her.

When are you guys going to understand that we girls are no object to be owned! You cannot have our deeds in your name! If we laugh With you: you propose to us. If the answer is negative, you kill us. If we by chance laugh At you: you kill us anyway (probably disfigure us with acid?). What the heck. Even the most educated of the lot expects his girl to be submissive. Ask why. Gives you an adrenaline rush? Raises your testosterone level? No. if given a chance, I would love to kick them all the way to hell. Why can we not behave like civilized citizens! Where does so much of brutality come from? How could he leave the girl he apparently loved with a broken skull, stabs in the abdomen and now battling for life! Why can men not accept the fact that women too are individuals with their own sensibilities? To chase a woman is a thrill for many people. Why. The cliché ‘don’t you have mother and sisters at your home’ is so apt. I mean seriously. I am sure boys who have sisters, or a mother who is strong headed and has maintained her individuality in the household have a less chauvinistic behavior towards the opposite sex. But I could only say.

Tags: Experience

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