After coming from office you no you are tired still you no your husband is hungry you will prepare food and you will forget you are hungry.........
you will think about your kids health and but you will forget to take your medicine while taking care of your kid............
you will same money for every one and you will full fill all your family needs ,but when your have any emergency you will compromise...........
you will wait whole night with out sleeping for your husband to come from office party, and you will do the same for your kids, forgetting you need some one to take you out.....
you worked from the day you got married and still your not excepting the retirement.......
but maa.................what you got???
your husband will treat you just the way he will treat TV,FRIDGE and other things.....
your kids left you after getting their life settled..........

still you are all alone and still you want to work for your grand kids.............

Love you maa.......... i never got mothers love...... i no the value of it..........please.......
take care of your mom......nothing is more than that....................

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