One day you will wake up in the morning and you will understand:
How to pass it by. Perhaps it will happen tomorrow or next year, but the morning is sure to come. You look out at the window and you will feel that you breathe easier. You go out on the street and let the sun rays penetrate under your skin, you will smile and squint from happiness. It will flood you with glee unexpectedly! The hurricane would sweep away all of your stone walls and get to the depths of your heart, fill every cell of your body. Now it seems that everything has been destroyed and it seems that you stand on the ruins of her life. I want to bite your lip to blood and clench her fists in silence.
Just do not cry, just don't..
Because you want to appear strong, indifferent to everything, but let's not deceive. You want to jump off the bridge, bleed or even gasp in the room in which you are now folding your pain on the shelves. Only this pain would be gone, but she had disappeared. You're exhausted and there is nothing else in the world you want to hold? C'mon it depends upon the situation, but believe me, things will get better. It sounds like banal phrase, isn't?
and yet it will.

Just stop the heart once to tear themselves apart, the pain will subside, her hands stop shaking, she feels secured and you realise that everything passes.

Believe me! This too shall pass.

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