Success - Probably the favorite word of each and every individual,who has even a little knowledge about the ongoing competition for everything,starting from college seats to the beggars fighting among themselves for a piece of bread !
So, what's success meant to you ?
According to me,success has different definitions for different people. For an instance, take the case of a school going kid. For him,success would be completing his homework in time and getting "Shabbashi" from his teachers Or securing the first rank in class.
Now,for a housewife, success goes on a daily basis. She considers her success in good management of the entire house and the people living in it. In the case of a writer,success can be defined as putting all the thoughts of his/her mind on the paper and when it gets appreciated by the readers. For a businessman to be successful, the profit should be really high and he should be well-known for his business tactics.
So, my entire point is, why get upset looking at other people. Set your goal according to your capabilities and interest and on reaching the goal, you will be called a successful person in that particular field. Nobody will have a chance to call you a loser. Divide your ultimate goal into small ones and step by step you can move closer to your awaited success.
All you need to know is what Success really means to you ! Figure that out and work accordingly. Nobody can stop you from being successful. Just a positive angle of looking at life :)

Tags: My thoughts

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