Im a mermaid and
This feeling towards a human is forbidden,
but my heart that swims freely can't keep hidden.
I peek from the water's surface when he is alone.
Looking at him over a nearby stone.
He gasps when he sees me,
but there is another feeling there.
I am a woman of the sea
but his heart doesn't care.
Kicking aside his shoes, he comes in chest deep.
I swim closer, but carefully I creep.
He holds out a hand, tells me it will be alright.
I take his palm and he squeezes it tight.
He tells me he loves me,
and I say "Cant you see?
We live in completely different ways.
I have to go...and you must stay"
I feel tears coming but he wipes them from my cheek
The way he look at me makes my mind so weak.
He makes me promise my return to him.
This loves has difficulties, but we will get through them.

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