Some times things get worse then u accept. It starts seeming that I can hear the murmurs of sand blowing in distant desert. Feel the foot steps on the snow. Know the whispers of dew drops fall on the green leaves. The first rays of the sun and the darkness of twilight are trying to say something to us. Every thing is trying to tell the truth, the reality to man. The forming and bursting of bubbles on the floor during rain, are trying to tell us something. Something must going to happen but we human's were still unconscious from it. We always remain in haze. Nature always tried to warn us, try to presage us about the tomorrow. But we always ignore it. Always act non serious. If for once, just for once sit down and try to listen sound of the clock, it is revealing secrets in his tick tick. Secrets of life, and the mysteries of future all clear to us if we just open our internal eye and sit aside for a while to listen the rhythm of our beats. there is nothing, nothing in this world can ever fool us if we just start listening the nature,the God. nothing ever get worse

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