When we are buying our mobile phones, it is already equipped with gadgets which are needed for a mobile phone to function properly. The package may include the mobile phone charger, headset and some even throws an extra memory card inside the box. These products are undeniable necessities which we also use almost every day.

That is why when these accessories fail to function; we are required to purchase a replacement. The question now is on where and what accessory to buy.

The Peterson Group, Taiwan-based mobile phone accessories and laptop peripherals expert and supplier explains the different types of accessories:

1. OEM (Original)

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) refers to accessories manufactured by the same maker of your mobile phones. They may also last longer than the generic ones and can protect your phone from adaptability and suitability issues. There are retailers which sells a la carte mobile accessories in a wide variety of brands with longer warranty periods. However, these retailers are hard to find since it can be a costly business.

With the emergence of aftermarkets, OEM sales have fluctuated. However, analyst’s mentions that this kind of business still have a long term of service ahead of it.

2. Aftermarket (Generic)

Aftermarkets does not necessarily mean unbranded. These kinds of accessories are manufactured and created after the form of original accessories and are sold for compatibility. They are cheaper than OEMs. However, aftermarkets have lower quality compared to the original products. There is also a higher risk of these generic brands to come from fraudulent manufacturing and distribution. Warranty may also not be possible since most of the times, the manufacturing company is not known.

Places famous in distributing counterfeited or scammed accessories are China, Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok Thailand but there may also be available unbranded aftermarkets in the streets of New York or London. You should be careful in choosing the right accessory as it can also harm your mobile phones.

Things to remember:

• It is important to purchase your mobile accessories only from reputable sources or trusted companies.
• It may be fun purchasing online but you need to research on the company’s background first before doing a transaction. The authorities have already warned of rampant fraudulence in the internet
• Please observe proper usage of mobile phones and accessories. These electrical devices can be hazardous if used with recluse passion (it can cause fire or unsafe levels of radiation).

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