Hi Guys,

There has been a little change in the algorithm through which reputation score is calculated. How author reputation is calculated is explained in the FAQ page ( http://www.writerbabu.com/faq.php#1 ) Am posting it here again.

Reputation Points is the indicator of activeness and how much someone is respected in WriterBabu community.

Contributions :
10 for each post user posts
3 for each poll user takes
1 when a person visits user's post (No longer contributing)
1 for each "hummm" rating on user's post
2 for each "nice" rating on user's post
3 for each "hats off" rating on user's post
4 for each "speechless" rating on user's post

There are reputation gains from earning badges, checkout the Badges page (http://www.writerbabu.com/badge.php)

And ...

Every author that joins WriterBabu through your invitation contribute one fifth of their own score towards your reputation points since they cross 30 points up till 500 reputation points. After 500 points they continue to contribute 100 points each.

I am also working on adding contributions from writing books and comments and diaries and thought gallery interpretations. Also there will be weekly reputation scores (last seven days).

Thought will update upon it only after making all the changes live, but am doing it now.

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