A trickle of laughter,
Her whole world gets lit up.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
A thorn pricked out skin,
Her heart goes dry.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
An angry outburst over triviality,
Her mind embraces it full.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
A person in your destiny,
To go along or to leave alone.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
A hungry stomach which growls,
Her cooking transforms magic onto plate.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
A moment of fear,
Her courage bursts to seam.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
A slice of loneliness,
Her phone call will come.
Mom will understand,
She always does.
A short dazzle of acknowledgement,
Her whole world devoted for you forever.
Mom will understand,
She always does.

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