All along my childhood I have been told a mother loves her children the most. Her love is probably the purest form of love present in the living world. A mother will always wish the best for you.

While growing up " Mother's day " was neither the popular term nor the popular concept. But what was popular was "mothers are the God's angel to look after you" . This statement has played with probably many people's thinking to levels, which cant be understood easily.

Growing up into a joint family with 3 generations under one roof, with proportion of 70% ladies have made me realize that mothers are only humans. "Mother" being a godly figure is a highly overrated statement. Yes mother has lot of power but not necessarily be put into positive direction for her children.

Mothers are human beings, they come with their package of distortions, needs, power play, manipulation and greed. A child is so tuned to his mother that her such behavior actually becomes the foundation or root cause of his existence. I, a grand daughter, a daughter and a mother have seen change in equations of kids, mothers & grandmothers because of their human nature. I do not think it is just me, if I look around there are multiple like me who are confused with this "Mother is almost God" statement but are scared of being judged or belittled by the " Mother" or their followers.

I love my mother but I have made peace with the fact that mother is just a human being. Being a mother, I can confidently say, yes they love you the most, but their love is selfless, don't agree.

Mother's day celebrations on social media websites by posting selfies, quotes and pictures with mothers is fun but probably the façade where many just talk about the hunky dory part, leaving million others feeling unloved or unlucky.

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