one of the most difficult things to achieve in life is closure in its truest sense.. to get through a broken phase of life and bring back the heart to it virgin self.. it is in fact pretty much like getting your physical virginity back.. there are two of its kind as i have come to understand.. one for the body and one for the soul...and its loss is a natural necessity; for like our body, our souls too in secret seek the ultimate...

leaving the previous door half closed opens only half the next one..
and i have learned the hard way that god has little to do with the workings of these doors...
and we are not in power to close them either..if they really can never be closed, is there to be no relief????

maybe, just maybe if i walk on and not look back for long enough and forgo a few half open doors in my need to escape the one half closed, i can get far away enough.. far enough to forget the door which closed almost all others...

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