Everyone of you has someone special in their lives, someone who means the world to you!! For most of us it might be our girlfriend/boyfriend. For me its my sisters-my angels. I am just another guy who lives far away from home pursuing engineering. And the only thing that keeps me alive is the beautiful memories I have spent with my angels.. So here is this poem dedicated to my very dear angels...

One year of distance and now I'm finally home
Its special this day that I now own

I live with you all, I live for you all
You are the ones who don't let me fall

Tomorrow once again I will stand in front of you
I'm no longer the same, I'm a person very new!!

It will be a a new day, and a fresh start
The sun will rise with the beating of a young heart

Thru the shambles of my past I have risen
The cold mistakes I made I hope you've forgiven

Its time to relive that moment of spark
That made me alive, and brought me outta the dark!!!

There are three angels whom I know,
All so glorious they seem to glow.

When they smile I don't need the sun,
And that's not all, these girls are fun!

One is sweet and thinks of nothing but others,
The second is strong and has many colors.

The third is special and is just so sweet
My three angels you make me feel complete

My love for them grows every day,
My closest friends forever I pray.

I miss my angels when we are apart,
They fill an emptiness that is in my heart.

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