Long, cruel, funny, over the top
Is my dream wishlist.
Things I want,
To do or to have.
And make my life a memorable hit.

Sometimes excited, sometimes low
I feel.
For my spicy dreamlist I so adore,
get shadowed by the mirror on the fore.

It traversed me to the past.
Prohibited to play football and wander in shorts.
However educated a family you belong,
society pleases them more than your fonds.

'Be the girl that others desire'.
Hearing this my college swept by.
After marriage too obey your in-laws,
for this is how a girl is defined.

A month from now my marriage is scheduled.
The dreams in me are shouting louder than before.
I am a girl not an animal in a herd,
who follows her master wherever he strolls.

My life is mine.
From nowon I take its strings on my hand.
I'll dream. I'll fly.
If only obedience is the driving factor,
I gracefully say my marriage goodbye.

I intend to have no regrets.
For my character is pious and reputation I don't care.
For I earn and I am proud of myself.
So let no society anymore interfere.

Long, cruel, funny, over the top
is my dream wishlist.
And here I go to live them.

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