I have had this urge to write, express myself from a long time but some unknown hesitation has kept this dream of mine at bay. I think too many thoughts come in when I try to write, I try to channel them in an organised way but still I feel something is missing; I scribble the lines off, crush the paper and throw it away or just press the backspace and start contemplating what to write?? I think for sometime then I keep it for some other time. I have done this a 100 times but I can't. Some other times I get concious of my feelings, doubt my writing skills, worry about my grammar and back to square one I can't write. I feel like my confidence has eluded me and I start searching for words, it's like I am sent back to stone age and I can't express in words. I don't know if any of you have ever felt such a feeling but having all the privilages, being provided with all the options to fulfill a dream and still can't achieve it. It's paralysing. I know here everyone in writer babu likes reading and writing, you would find it very odd that someone can do such an easy task as writing his feelings. But it's really tough, I don't know why but it's damn dissapointing!!
Today I joined this forum and read so many people expressing their feelings, opinions in stories, incidents, poetries. I loved it, I felt inspired and I thought lets go for the DREAM. Again a series of obstructing, confusing, demolralising, paralysing thoughts started pouring in but this time I thought why not use these thoughts to express my feelings.
And so today I feel a ton lighter I have achieved my DREAM.
I am satisfied!!

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