Seek my hand and drag me from here ...
Running around this empty street
While u stood over there under the tree and watching me dance in the rain
This is the bestesttt feeling ....
It's something abt this way ....
And we r dancing in the middle of the road ...
The music of rain and birds is a melody
Absent mindedly we run over each other ...
U put ur eyes on me .
I just wanna capture it and remember it
Strom is on its way but with u ..
This is the most bestesttt feeling ..
While u stood there with me motionless
Like the time as stopped I feel nothing but I feel everything ..
The current waves passing through my body ..
The cold breeze which is touching our warm body ....
The way u holding my hands ..
The way the water droplets driping from ur hair ..
The moistness of the weather ..
Each and everything is just as magical as the existence of our life ..
The way u hold me I feel safe and comfortable ..
My lips tremble when ur breathe falls on my shoulder...
The way u stand by me forever...
Only u have the right to take my breath away ....
All I just wanna do now is hold u ...
Have I lost my mind. .. But I don't care because u r here ....
All I know is u make my pain go away

Tags: Love

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