Life gives to us, on a plate, all shades of grey and a few blacks… we all have a lot of those; I am sure.
When I was younger, more foolish and blissfully naïve, I had enough imagination to make up for the missing colours. Nothing seemed amiss and there was balance.
Although I have never taken a painting class, I always had a flair for it. I made my first sketch; presentable and comprehendible sketch i.e., when I was not more than 4 and have been doing it ever since. But it was not till the age of 22 that I used any colour other than blacks and greys… I suppose now that that was so because I never felt the need for it then…
But something had to change, for it is the one thing sure to happen. With time, my mind started to differentiate between logical and practical possibilities that life has to offer. Situations in life are seldom logical and far away from any semblance to endings that make sense. This is when I believe, my subconscious mind, all grown up now, introduced the new word “Practicality” into its vocabulary. This time, my friends, is what I believe to be “The turning point” leading into the next phase of my life’s “evolution”. (DAMN DARWIN!!! :P :P )
So now I use colours and lots of them, as many as I can help, in everything. Have to do something to maintain the balance.. u see… I wear them, I paint them… and I love them. They make up for imaginations thus made hard to believe in… They rescue me from the drab and mundane…
My full palette… my hero!!! :D

P.S. That image is of one of my paintings

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