We always hear that life is a journey and we all are travelers. Is it? Seriously, if that was the case then why many people stay in one single place, live the same life and die eventually. But I am not here to speak about life anyways. I am a teen and every teen reading here may know the adversity of a teen's life. It is a stage that comes in everyone's life. It is in this stage that we often get confused, confused about almost everything. It is a stage where you may develop your first crush, it is a stage where you may want to look good, it is a stage where you secretly wanna understand the theory behind romance, it is a stage where you wanna fall in love and wanna have a companion.
It feels so great right.
But there are some unseen negative aspects too. In this particular stage life, you may also develop the so called inferiority complex. "I don't look good." "I am fat." "I am too thin." "I am too dark." "What if this happens?" "What if that happens?" There is no way out of it. This is a stage where you can easily fall prey to bad habits. I don't need to elaborate that.
I am not saying to you that you don't have fun. Have it, but remember one thing. BALANCE. Stick this word in your mind, Balance is everything. If you have balance in life you will succeed.
Never think inferior about yourselves. Because there are many people in this world who face countless problems then us, they face it like a warrior and win . Our problems are not even one percent of that. Are we suffering from ALS disease like Stephen Hawkins.He is a living example and is a science giant.
So move, live, love, and finally win.

Tags: Teen

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