Take two measures of love, add 1 tbsp of smartness, a wee bit of shrewdness. Mix them all well.

Seperately beat four portions of selfishness till it liquidises to utter selflessness. Add 1 measure of sweet words. Mix well. Blend in half a cup of gentleness. Mix thoroughly till perfectly blended without coarseness of speech or formation of harsh lumps.

Now to this add the first mixture. Add half a cup of milk of human kindness.
Pour in a teaspoonful of essence of joy.

Pour into a vessel well greased with generosity. Sprinkle thankfulness and praise all over the batter.

Bake in a preheated oven called trial for some time. (Baking time depends on one's temperament)

Keep checking if done, with a sharp jab of pain in its interiors. If it still oozes with impatience, its not done.
Bake till fork comes clean. And well browned.
The cake called life is perfect.

Cool and spread icing of peacefulness.
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