Waking up late in the morning, my first objective on Sundays is to sit in front of my PC. I log o facebook, chat, play games and sometimes watch videos, well until mid-day.

Then I bath, lunched and spend the rest of the day complaining about how boring Sundays are. There is nothing to do, I would often say. More often than less, I would go in the kitchen to try to talk to mom and pass time, while other times, I would play pranks on my sister.

For me, unlike many others, Sundays are very much boring. I hate opening my copybook and do school work since I love taking it as a mini-vacation. There are Sundays where I spend the whole day on facebook, playing pool online..

But Despite Sundays are boring, One fact is undeniable..They are a million times better than going to school again on Monday.. :)

Tags: Personal

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