Seems its quite a long long time some one has posted something. So, i\'ll share something anonymously... Something so so stupid that no one can even think of. Becoz i\'ll be anonymous. This is my current wish. Now let me see, would i like to share a secret here? I think, no, because things track back and no lie hides forever. So once again, am I that intelligent to reveal a secret in such a way that it can\'t be traced back to me.

Now, on a serious note. What things will I share as secret. First of all what types of secret anyone does have. A secret crush on some one? No, won\'t share that, doesn\'t make sense at all. Ya I can create confusion and have fun... :P. That part could be funny if one have friends active on writerbabu.

Anyways i\'ll share that I was looking at the lips of the girl sitting in the front row, and she was stealing glances, turning back now and then. She was damm beautiful man!!!...hahaha...

now trace me if you can...or say find out bugs here.

I shared a secret and I tried a bit being stupid. :D Wish fulfilled.

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