I've always been interested in writing. Writing about anything and everything. But I've never taken it seriously. I do it for fun and I don't know why, most of the times words just flow! Yes, like all writers I also suffer from writer's block. And sometimes I hardly find any readers! (sigh!)
My tryst with Writer Babu started when I was browsing through a site which gives info about upcoming contests, jobs, etc. Writing always interests me and so social networking for writers interested me even more! I immediately signed in. But then I forgot about it! Yes, being an engineering student has it's on set of problems, time being one of them! I hardly found time to be online and updating my Facebook page took most of that little time online! Projects and assignments took the rest. And then I got a mail reminding me of Writer Babu! It had been ages since I'd visited the site and as expected I'd forgotten my password! Phew! I'd to go through that process of changing my password and this happened a couple of times! And then I don't what happened, I was drawn to this site! Initially I started with the diary as I found no time to pen down the one I'd started writing at bed time!
I then started posting some of my old poems and the response I got was good. I'd stopped writing things, but every nice, hats off and speechless compelled me to write something more, something new!
I just had 88 points when the concept of badges was started and now I'm happy that I've crossed the 1500 mark! Even now I find it difficult to write regularly. Once in a week is the most I can do.But the diary has become my best friend here! I never fail to write something or the other in it!
I'm happy that I've started writing atleast once a week! The best thing about Writer Babu is that queries are addressed immediately! Thanks Srijan Srivastava for this amazing site! The author polls bring out the competitive edge and comments encourage! Yes, I feel bad when I don't get polled for what I think to be one of my best works(sad). So don't forget to poll this one! I'm on a quest! Quest t0 write more!!

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