Mystery Of the Wrecked ship

Breaking the Code “An Unseen Document”


Inga was looking amused by the code and the doctor was looking suspicious as he was very fond of such type of things, I asked to him “Do you know anything about this code” “Oh yes I think that I have seen it somewhere in the central library of the black village” he said. Although I was in kind of fix beccccccccccccause of that voice which was still a mystery but I prepared my mind and disguised into a tribal men. At the evening we were out for the library when we reached the village it was looking rather clean and proper I saw Martha sitting outside the headmen’s office taking sips of French wine. All the tribal’s excluding me and Doc was made to dance and sing as they usually do to get some money. The center library…. Was.. a frightening structure almost wrapped in spiders web, there were two big clock towers at its side. We directly went to Medicinal yard full of big and amazingly very big books almost around 4 by 4 feet. The night went along books, books and books it was like a book mania. Every time when people saw us they gave us a glance of weirdness on their faces and felt creepy. At last Doc said “Oh my god I am going to be mad 81st book of the day and no sign of the code”. “May be you found it somewhere else” I said. “Oh now I remember I found it in the headmen’s cabin” he said. “So what are we doing here” I said delightedly. “No we can’t do that because it is very exclusive area and only nobles and headmen are allowed their” he said in despair. “So why were you their when you found the code” I said trying to piss him off and get some information. “Well…..” “Ok forget about it and take me their” I said. At the peak of the pressure he took me into an oval chamber full of books in shelves marked as At 1……9 Back……….18 am………….876. They really picked up my attention I started making out notes in respect to them as it was clear from the code that the book should be in the ‘back’ shelf. We searched it out thoroughly and at last I found a brown file secretly hidden in the two way shelf corner. I opened it, it was a set of old secret records of lord count the one who was murdered, now it was clear that why was he murdered I am writing a letter I saw that explains it-

Lord count
Night Slither Corporation
Lord count it is an order from D-Slither that you are summoned at the becon hill shores to take the charge and the smuggling of the great old tanker. The gold is hidden in the deeps of the oil chamber just above the engine room. Result of failure can result in certain death and revealed secret. And the code is attached for the further expedition at the back of the letter.
Now the reason of murder was clear view the next chapter Breaking the Code “ The Great Cave”

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