I'm working on a new book that tells in story of the struggles that face America in the next few years. We have powerful men throwing around their power to create something for themselves. Then I see others of whom, their only mission in life is to tell the truth and bring back personal freedom to the country and in the mean time are demonized for their radical agendas.

I can see in my mind's eye a diabolical plan developed by a big government to facilitate a take over of the republic and to seize control of all properties and business. This big power grabbers will allow only the men and women they can manipulate in government or the military. The military will be purged of those who support the constitution of the United States.

In my story there will be a large business that is so large it controls many activities of the Marxist government. This business is heavy in technology and on the internet.

Also, inspired by the personality of the truth tellers mentioned in paragraph one, patriots, 30 million strong, march on Washington DC demanding the resignation of the leaders in our government. In the process of the besieging of DC many of this patriots are massacred and utter chaos begins spreading all over the country.

Eventually an EMP is launched on America by it's own government to seize control of the country. It ends with the story of survival, as millions were prepared and do survive and begin preparation to take back their country.

Just a little positive book to communicate concern for the United States of America and it's future.

Tags: New book

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