'You can't move out of that Room' my Heart's attendant shouted....
But to no effect.
It was just after I saw her,
when Again HER memories broke out free of the allotted room and disturbed the peace of my heart....
It skipped a beat, but soon went on its usual schedule....
Feeling the disturbance all around the Heart; the guards there, tried to imprison them once Again...
The high-walled boundaries with no doors all around the Heart, gave an extra layer of protection....
This wall was recently built, after MY failure to express my feelings to her....
The Engineers and Contractors involved in constructing the wall assured me that, none would ever be able to skip it...
And, unlike the past two experiences.., none will be able to occupy any space in my Heart without my permission..
But just like all other contractors, they lied...
'Her memories' succeeded in skipping this wall...
And they headed towards the HeadQuarters (brain)....
They knew the shortest routes,as Before they were sentenced imprisonment(i.e. Before I decided to TALK to HER) they were very often invited to the HeadQuarters....,
The information of this great Escape was soon wireless-ed all around,
Every personnel was on high-alert,
But Once Again they succeeded in gaining the access of HeadQuaters....
And then Again started the WAR between reasoning and memories....
And I(soul) sitting at the center couldn't do anything other than just screaming "No, Not AGAIN...!!!"

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