World, increasingly resembles a cluster of mixed paints, homogeneous grey mass.
A couple of thousands of years, spiritual and cultural heritage, where we are?
People have lost the ability to be a complication of reality is, hanging on the skills, habits, addictions, which in general are not needed and are opposite the key of our nature.
Try to match the "modern" society, and who has it?

Fanatical group fighting for their goal, not even with other people's interests. Need to self-realization and adoption in the community.

Increasingly come to the view that it is more than nature, not whether sounds paradoxical world where everyone wants to prove something to someone who was looking for evidence.

Love us for what we give, our indigenous way returns can vary from what we currently think inside, giving amuse each other their own selfishness,

Pushes yourself into a corner. People don't let yourself get down, stay yourself, each of us on the universe is beautiful.

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