Maybe it would seem to be another stupid post, but it means a lot to me. Perhaps, because it is a memoir of the way I evolved, from writing silly compositions to ones who were more mature, and perhaps one day, I shall laugh at what I write today.
I got today my second poem I wrote during my childhood, maybe when I was around 8 years of age, and I was overwhelmed when my school loved it and sent it to NIE, where I saw my poem printed in the student's column.

Keep in mind my age that time, don't throw eggs on me. :P

O' My Beautiful Ball!
It bumps so high
across the sky
through the fields,
and jerks into the ground,
making me search for it all around!

O' my beautiful ball!
It jumps in glee
and sets my joys free
Sometimes it throws me into real pain
by breaking the neighbour's window pane
Yet, it helps me every way,
It's imposible to describe or say..

O' My Beautiful Ball!
It makes me happy when I cry
and blows away my tears dry.
It throws away the burden of past
to enhjoy the present at last

O' My Beautiful Ball!

Tags: Ball, Ball, Toys, Child

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