Yesterday,going down the stairs I heard a girl screaming "f*ing great". The words at first went down like nothing into the sub-conscious .Stop! and listen again ,I cogitated .Isn't it a sound of Indian respect ? and I realized that it is that one sound. Just imagine a girl screaming the Hindi translation of this in public ,would the stimuli be the same .The outright answer is of course NO!! .But this answer itself is a question and the question is Indian Respect.Not even Hindi translation ,no matter how local the language gets ,one won't dare to utter these words in public,this crazy nature of Indian respect makes it happen.
So what is Indian Respect ?
It's not that I am saying that we all must shift to Indian languages and start speaking them .Language is just an example.When Swami vivekananda went to America ,to India he was nothing but an ordinary young saint .Its only his heroics in the west that made him immortal among the modern age gurus.Similar thing happened with Ravindra Thakur ji .After he came to India post-nobel prize event he was greeted like a prince of bengal, "Ami sonar rabindro" !!.
So we all in the end need to be tagged from outside so to get the Indian Respect .
Not every aspect of the devil is bad.The thing got tapped by Srila Prabhupada in the best possible manner .The gritty vaishnava went to america and got famous there,came here with his saffron clad white saints and the public just went berserk .At first public resented,but after all the whole setup had to get The Indian Respect .Hence ISCKON became the leading distributor of Gita in the world ,the biggest chain of temples in India and so on.

The phenomenon is genuine or just a speck of imagination ? ,we need to see it through the eyes of a sociologist and throught the lenses of history,which I do next. Till then "Keep Observing".


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