He was going abroad. He has got a new project to take care. All the formalities were getting done. As it was a new place, i was very worried how he would take care of himself. He was so pampered back here. But .. if one has to grow , he should take the road out of his comfort zone. And that's what he was doing. Trying out new ventures.

I was totally supportive in his decision.. although i was damn worried. But.. u gotta do what u gotta do.

He was leaving me alone here. He will be back in an year.. he has promised me. Hiding my tears from him i was doing all that he would be needing to get setteled there.

"Oh, i will miss him so much...but time will pass..and we will be together again .. 1 year is nothing... its a test of our love .. we will be back together soon..nothing' s bad gonna happen..he will return to me just in an year. "

He still was waiting for his visa and other formalities to be completed . We were all set. All preperations had been done. Anytime he could get the call that he had to travel. Now its time to just relax and enjoy each other's company.

He was talking to his friends..they have come to meet him before he goes.. All laughs and jokes..He was so happy. He is in the mood of jokes and fun.. He turned towards me ...and jokingly said... " I m going to Arabic country naa.. will look for a rich arab's daughter for myself.. may be the rich arab will give me an oil well or two..and life will be all set for us" saying that he laughed his guts out!!!!

Something pierced very deep in my heart..My face went white and he noticed it... Pacifying me he said.. "Oh my darling..i am just joking..you know i am naa " and i said.." yes i do."

But the damage was done..the hurt in my heart went deep.. it was not the joke itself ..but the nature of joke that was hurting..the direction in which the joke was cracked was hurting.. without even thinking and wanting..he has given me a scar in my heart.. the mere thought that he can even think of someone else to spend his life with..even in a joke ..hurted me the most..and the timing...that time i needed to hear reassurence from him that he will come back to me...not the jokes that he will look for some rich arab s daughter ...

Sometimes i think i was very touchy that time because he was leaving me for an year and felt bad out of nothing..but still....sometimes some jokes really hurt....
Sometimes just one sentence spoken without thinking.. give deep wounds to the ones we love..

"Think before u speak...even jokes."

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