Hey Guy, you have really driven me crazy
I keep doing nothing now a days
But thinking about you all the time
Have you played any magic on my heart..??
In its every beat it says your name
Where am I exactly..??
I really don't know my sweetheart

How badly I want to tell you these
I want to see you each time my eyes blink
My ears want to listen to your heartbeats
My lips want yours to rest upon them
I want to hug you tightly
And whisper in your ears that
"I am madly in love with you, my prince"

Hey boy, come here and bury me in your arms
Let me feel the warmth of your breath
Hold my hands strongly in yours
Let no one can make us apart
Oh My Love, I wanna be with you always
Let me be yours forever

Tags: Feelings, Dreams, Love

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